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Spickermann, Wolfgang – Reinhold Wedenig : Instrumenta Inscripta IX. Schmuck, Dekoration und Etikettierung im Spektrum der Kleininschriften
Wolfgang Spickermann – Reinhold Wedenig (Hrsg.),Instrumenta Inscripta IX. Schmuck, Dekoration und Etikettierung im Spektrum der Kleininschriften(Beiträge zum internationalen Kolloquium Graz, 23.–25. Mai 2022)(Keryx 11)Graz 2024ISBN 978-3-903484-04-7290 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 27 x 19 cm; kartoniert/hardcover Der reich illustrierte Band informiert über antike Alltagsinschriften im Kontext von Schmuck, Dekoration und Etikettierung. Dazu hatte 2022 in Graz ein internationales Kolloquium im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsserie „Instrumenta inscripta“ stattgefunden, wo die Thematik von archäologischer, althistorischer und epigraphischer Seite beleuchtet wurde. Die auf Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch und Spanisch verfassten Beiträge eröffnen einen ebenso bunten wie tiefen Einblick in das weite Spektrum vornehmlich römischer Kleininschriften in lateinischer oder griechischer Sprache. Mit unterschiedlicher Fokussierung auf Schriftträger, Fundregion oder inhaltliche Aspekte kommen Liebesinschriften, Götterweihungen und Besitzangaben ebenso zur Sprache wie symbolhafte Elemente, Bildbeischriften, standardisierte Aufschriften, Stempeltexte und geschäftsbezogene Notizen. Neben Fragen der Textinterpretation werden auch formale Eigenarten paläographischer Art behandelt. Der zeitliche Bogen reicht von der hellenistischen bis in die spät- und nachantike Epoche. In der Menge der hier präsentierten Schriftzeugnisse sind Alt- und Neufunde aus Italien und verschiedenen Regionen des Imperium Romanum zwischen Syrien und Hispanien vertreten, insbesondere aus den Rhein- und Donauprovinzen.

54,90 €*
Colloquium Anatolicum 23
Colloquium Anatolicum 23Istanbul 2024ISSN 1303-8486VI + 243 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 27 x 19 cm; broschiert/softcover

35,00 €*
TÜBA - AR 35
TÜBA - AR 35Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 35, 2024Ankara 2024ISSN 1301-8566228 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm, broschiert/softcoverArtikel in Türkisch und Englisch

42,00 €*
Acta Classica Mediterranea 7, 2024
Acta Classica Mediterranea 7, 2024Istanbul 2024ISSN 2602-2451260 S./pp., S/W-Abb. / b/w-figs., 24 x 17 cm; broschiert/softcoverArtikel auf Englisch und Deutsch

42,00 €*
Horvat, Jana – Benjamin Štular – Anton Velušček : Trnovo near Ilirska Bistrica in the Early Iron Age / Trnovo pri Ilirski Bistrici v starejši železni dobi
Jana Horvat – Benjamin Štular – Anton Velušček,Trnovo near Ilirska Bistrica in the Early Iron Age / Trnovo pri Ilirski Bistrici v starejši železni dobi(Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 49)Ljubljana 2025ISBN 978-961-05-0952-3 288 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

79,00 €*
Ugarković, Marina – Ana Konestra – Martina Čelhar – Martina Korić (eds.) : Between Global and Local. Adriatic Connectivity from Protohistory to the Roman Period
Marina Ugarković – Ana Konestra – Martina Čelhar – Martina Korić (eds.), Between Global and Local. Adriatic Connectivity from Protohistory to the Roman PeriodProceedings of the Conference Stari Grad, 28th-29th October 2022(Zbornik Instituta za Arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici 21)Zagreb 2024ISBN 978-953-6064-73-1 244 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb., 29 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

59,00 €*
Akhypova, Yelyzaveta I. : Icons from the 10th–13th centuries in Stone, Bone, and Ceramics from Ukraine
Yelyzaveta I. Akhypova, Icons from the 10th–13th centuries in Stone, Bone, and Ceramics from Ukraine.A catalogueCluj – Napoca 2025ISBN 978-606-020-907-2256 S./pp., Farb- und S/W-Abb./colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 22 cm; kartoniert/hardcover This book is devoted to a very special circle of works that have reached us from the art of Kyiv Rus of the late 10th-11th centuries, and from the artistic heritage of those principalities, which after the collapse of the vast Kyiv state were formed in the southern and south-western parts of its territory. These principalities continued to exist in the 12th-13th centuries, until the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol hordes in 1230-40s, i.e. in the pre-Mongol period, and partly survived in the following decades. When it comes to the artistic culture of that vast world, we usually remember, first of all, the ecclesiastical architecture, the mosaics and the frescoes of the churches of Kyiv and Chernihiv, the enormous 11th-century icons of Novgorod, made, apparently, by artisans then visiting Kyiv, the miniatures of the 1056-57 Ostromir Lectionary, the decorations of other outstanding illustrated manuscripts, as well as the precious gold and silver jewelry, decorated with cloisonné enamel and other exquisite methods of jewelry art. The monumental sculpture also existed in that world: carvings in white stone (limestone) on the facades of some churches, narrative and ornamental plastic of certain interior elements such as remarkable reliefs(both patterned and narrative) on the slate slabs that decorated Kyiv’s churches. However, monumental sculpture and relief played relatively a modest role in that artistic world. This assessment of the role of sculpture will not change much even if we recall the existence of wooden sculpture, the art inherited from pagan times and known to us from the few surviving relatively late works of the north-east and north-west of Rus, which being largely primitive in nature have reached us only in small numbers due to the poor preservation of the material employed. (Foreword by Engelina Smirnova).

49,50 €*
Durnagölü, Nihal : Stratonikeia Koroplastiği (Stratonikeia Çalışmaları 10)
Nihal Durnagölü,Stratonikeia Koroplastiği(Stratonikeia Çalışmaları 10)Ankara 2025ISBN 978-625-6925-72-4 XIV + 566 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

189,00 €*
Öztürk, Zafercan – Yavuz Yeğin – Murat Özyıldırım : Cambazlı Kilisesi
Zavercan Öztürk – Yavuz Yeğin – Murat Özyıldırım, Cambazlı KilisesiAnkara 2025 ISBN 978-625-6925-75-5109 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 19 x 13 cm; broschiert/softcover

49,50 €*
Sezer, S. Sezin : Izmir Arkeoloji Müzesi Heykel Kataloğu
S. Sezin Sezer,Izmir Arkeoloji Müzesi Heykel KataloğuISBN 978-625-6212-21-3Istanbul 2025 VIII + 288 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 21 x 15 cm; broschiert/softcover

45,00 €*
Sezer, S. Sezin : Amastris Antik Kenti Heykeltıraşlık Eserleri
S. Sezin Sezer,Amastris Antik Kenti Heykeltıraşlık EserleriISBN 978-625-6212-20-6Istanbul 2025 X + 182 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 21 x 15 cm; broschiert/softcover

45,00 €*
Noei, Sina : Çamur Harç ve Kerpiç Yapım Yöntemleri, Bozulma Nedenleri, Analizler ve Koruma Yöntemleri
Sina Noei,Çamur Harç ve Kerpiç Yapım Yöntemleri, Bozulma Nedenleri, Analizler ve Koruma YöntemleriISBN 978-625-6212-22-0Istanbul 2025 119 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/softcover ÖnsözGiriş İnsan, Toprak ve Kil1.1. İnsanlığın Gelişimi ve Toprak1.2. Killi Toprağın Yapı Malzemesi Olarak Kullanımı Toprağın Oluşumu ve Killerin Özellikleri2.1. Toprağın Yapısı ve Mineralojik Bileşimi2.2. Kil Minerallerinin Yapısı ve Oluşumu2.3. Kil Minerallerinin Kristal Yapısı2.4. Kil Minerallerinin Sınıflandırılması2.4.1. İki Tabakalı Kil Mineralleri2.4.2. Üç Tabakalı Kil Mineralleri2.4.3. Dört Tabakalı Kil Mineralleri2.4.4. Alofan-Amorf Killer Kerpiç Yapım Yöntemleri3.1. Kesme ve Yığma Yöntemleri3.2. Dal Örgü Mimari3.3. Elde Yapım Yöntemi3.4. Kalıp Yöntemleri Kerpiç Yapılarda Bozulma Nedenleri4.1. Fiziksel Bozulmalar4.1.1. Sudan (Sıvı, Gaz ve Katı) Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.2. Rüzgârdan Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.3. Yapı Malzemesinden Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.4. Depremlerden Kaynaklanan Tahribatlar4.1.5. Yangından Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.6. Yanlış Onarım ve Malzemelerden Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.2. Kimyasal Bozulmalar4.3. Biyolojik Bozulmalar Analiz Yöntemleri5.1. Kerpiç Araştırmalarının Tarihçesi5.2. Basit Testler ve Analiz Yöntemleri5.2.1. Laboratuvar ve Arazide Ön Çalışmalar5.2.2. Toprak Çeşidinin Belirlenmesi için Yapılan Basit Testler5.2.2.1. Odor-Smell Test (Koku Testi) Nibble Test (Isırma Testi) Touch Test (Dokunma Testi) Luster Test (Parlaklık Testi) Adhesion Test (Yapışkanlık Testi) Sedimentation Test (Çökelme Testi) Linear Shrinkage-Alcock’s Test (Çizgisel Büzülme Testi) Washing Test (Yıkama Testi)5.3. Fiziko-Mekanik Analizler5.3.1. Elek Analizi5.3.2. Hidrometre Analizi5.3.3. Atterberg Limitleri (Likit Limit, Plastik Limit ve Plastisite İndeksi)5.3.4. Nem Miktarı5.3.5. Özgül Ağırlık (Gs)5.4. Petrografik Analizler (İnce/Kalın Kesitler ve Mikroskop ile Değerlendirmeler)5.5. Basit Kimyasal Analizler5.5.1. Asitle Muamele5.5.2. Kızdırma Kaybı5.5.3. Tuz Testleri5.5.4. Yağ ve Protein Analizleri5.5.5. Organik Madde Analizi (Humus)5.5.6. Çözünebilir Tuz Miktarı (Ağırlıkça)5.5.7. pH Ölçümü5.6. Aletli Analizler (Arkeometrik Çalışmalar)5.6.1. SEM-EDX Analizi5.6.2. ICP-MS Analizi5.6.3. XRD Analizi5.6.4. BET Analizi (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller) Kerpiç Yapılarda Koruma ve Onarım6.1. Koruma Basamakları6.2. Koruma Amaçlı Yapılan Uygulamalar6.2.1. Aktif Koruma Yöntemleri6.2.2. Önleyici Koruma Yöntemleri Sonuç ve Değerlendirme 101Kaynakça 105Dizin 117

45,00 €*
Dereboylu Poulain, Emel : Aigai Figürinleri (Aigai III)
Emel Dereboylu Poulain,Aigai Figürinleri(Aigai III)Istanbul 2024ISBN 978-625-6212-01-5XII + 361 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb. / num. b/w-figs., 27,5 x 19,5 cm; broschiert/softcover At the end of the 19th century the eyes are turned towards Myrina in the area of Aeolis, because of thousands of terra cotta figurines laid out in tombs of its necropolis. The necropolis of Myrina thus became the antique site most important, whereas research on the close sites, were somewhat forgotten. Today, of new excavations in the area of Aeolis help us has to understand the art of the coroplaste, which until was now limited only has Myrina. The ville of Aegae, located in this area, or of the French archaeologists had discovered a small number of figurines in 1882, was the object during many years of plunderings of figurines, in particular in years 1950-1960. Certain villagers tell that their fathers and grandfathers had put at the day during this same time, of the painted figurines of big size, then sold to the American soldiers. To date, one still does not know what became the catch figurines. The excavations and the research currently undertaken in the town of Aegae put at the day of many figurines of great quality representing various subjects. These many discoveries, seem to confirm the importance of the art of the coroplastie of Aegae. We have a larger pallet of examples which show than the production of terra cotta was very developed and very active in Aegae. It does not remain about it less than it is necessary for us to find the workshops in order to be able to prove that in due form. The majority of works are dated from the hellenistic period. Especially with 2nd century before J-C, the production out of the city would have increased. It is not only the case for Aegae but also for the other cities of Anatolia Western. Works of Aegae are witnesses of enrichissement of art coroplaste in Anatolia Western during these centuries. We suppose that these terracotta figurines were produced in the city. Indeed, works discovered reflect the marked taste of the coroplastie, the concern nuns of the inhabitants to create figurines and plates representing the Gods and the Goddesses. The figurines with the religious motif discovered in votive pits of the building of Bouleuterion, reflect ritual inhabitants.

69,00 €*
Breibert, Wolfgang : Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Krungl, Marktgemeinde Bad Mitterndorf, Bezirk Liezen, Steiermark. Studien zum Frühmittelalter im Ostalpenraum
Wolfgang Breibert, Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Krungl, Marktgemeinde Bad Mitterndorf, Bezirk Liezen, Steiermark. Studien zum Frühmittelalter im Ostalpenraum(Schild von Steier, Beiheft 12)(Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, 97)Graz 2022ISBN 978-3-901251-61-0ISSN 2078-0141329 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert

39,80 €*
Zografou, Elektra – Angeliki Koukouvou – Ourania Palli – Evanthia Papadopoulou : Figurines in Northern Greece from Prehistory until Roman Times. Scientific Symposium Proceedings
Elektra Zografou – Angeliki Koukouvou – Ourania Palli – Evanthia Papadopoulou (eds.),Figurines in Northern Greece from Prehistory until Roman Times. Scientific Symposium Proceedings(Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, 11.-13.10.2018)Thessaloniki 2024ISBN 978-960-9621-52-6 (Set) ISBN 978-960-9621-50-2 (Band/vol. 1) ISBN 978-960-9621-51-9 (Band/vol. 2) 896 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- uns S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28,5 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcoverBeiträge in griechischer Sprache mit englischer Zusammenfassung/contributions in greek with english summary

99,00 €*