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Karakaya, Enis : Istanbul’un Bizans Dönemi Banliyöleri / Istanbul Suburbs in the Byzantine Period
Enis Karakaya,İstanbul’un Bizans Dönemi Banliyöleri / Istanbul Suburbs in the Byzantine Period Istanbul 2024 ISBN 978-625-99806-3-8X + 336 S./pp., zahlr Farb- und SW-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Fındık, Ebru Fatma – Sema Doğan – Vera Bulgurlu : St. Nicholas Church Demre – Myra
Ebru Fatma Fındık – Sema Doğan – Vera Bulgurlu,St.Nicholas Church Demre – Myra Istanbul 2024 ISBN 978-605-396-570-1112 S./pp., zahlr Farbabb./num. colour figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

38,50 €*
Bayülgen, Batu – Turgut Saner : Architectural Description of Byzantine Remains in Istanbul. Excavations and Surveys in the City within the Walls (1927 - 2021)
Batu Bayülgen – Turgut Saner,Architectural Description of Byzantine Remains in Istanbul. Excavations and Surveys in the City within the Walls (1927 - 2021)Istanbul 2024ISBN 978-625-94334-9-3Set of two volumes (text + folded plates) in a special slipcasevol. I: Architectural Description of Byzantine Remains in Istanbulvol. II: Plans XXII + 696 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./ num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

149,00 €*
Yücetaş, Ayşe Nur : Bizans Maden Sanatında Anikonik Tasvirler. Amasya Müzesi Örnekleriyle
Ayşe Nur Yücetaş, Bizans Maden Sanatında Anikonik Tasvirler.Amasya Müzesi Örnekleriyle Izmir 2023ISBN 978-625-6812-05-5VIII + 224 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./ num. colour and b/w-figs., 27,5 x 19 cm; broschiert/softcover

39,00 €*
Hamarneh, Basema – Davide Bianchi : Architecture as Sacred Space. Shaping the Holy in Late Antiquity and Byzantium
Basema Hamarneh – Davide Bianchi (eds.),Architecture as Sacred Space. Shaping the Holy in Late Antiquity and ByzantiumWien 2024ISBN 978-3-85161-306-3164 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover Die Publikation versammelt Studien zur Analyse der nicht wahrnehmbaren und doch sehr offensichtlichen Grenze zwischen der Materialität einer architektonischen Konstruktion und dem Sakralen. Die Beiträge versuchen anhand von Beispielen aus der Welt der Spätantike folgende Fragen zu diskutieren: Wie verhalten sich Architektur und sakraler Raum zueinander? Wie sollten sie betrachtet werden? Wie trugen Ritual, Erinnerung und gebaute Umwelt zur kulturellen Ausformulierung heiliger Räume und ihrer Wahrnehmung bei? Und was erklärt die anhaltende Anziehungskraft heiliger Räume?Die einzelnen Kapitel befassen sich mit den architektonischen Gegebenheiten in Orten und Gebieten von Bordeaux bis Rom, von Hierapolis bis Konstantinopel und von Shivta bis Aksum.

Ab 49,00 €*
Külzer, Andreas – Veronika Polloczek – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.) : Raum und Geschichte. Der historische Atlas "Tabula Imperii Byzantini" an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Andreas Külzer – Veronika Polloczek – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.), Raum und Geschichte. Der historische Atlas "Tabula Imperii Byzantini" an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften(Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 3)Novi Sad 2020ISBN 978-86-6263-305-7 239 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Taf./num. colour and b/w-pls., 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Külzer, Andreas – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.) : Space, landscapes and settlements in Byzantium: Studies in historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean Presented to Johannes Koder
Andreas Külzer – Mihailo St. Popović (Hrsg.), Space, landscapes and settlements in Byzantium: Studies in historical geography of the Eastern Mediterranean Presented to Johannes Koder (Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 1)Novi Sad 2017ISBN 978-86-6263-191-6 526 S./pp., Illustrationen, Karten, 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverBeiträge teilweise englisch, teilweise deutsch, 1 Beitrag russisch in kyrillischer Schrift

99,00 €*
Külzer, Andreas (Hrsg.) : Herbert Hunger und die Wiener Schule der Byzantinistik. Rückblick und Ausblick
Andreas Külzer (Hrsg.), Herbert Hunger und die Wiener Schule der Byzantinistik. Rückblick und Ausblick(Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 2)Novi Sad 2019ISBN 978-86-6263-243-2 350 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Taf./num. colour and b/w-pls., 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Yılmaz, Mehmet Emin : Kiliseye Çevrilen Türk Eserleri / The Turkish Monuments Converted into Churches
Mehmet Emin Yılmaz,Kiliseye Çevrilen Türk Eserleri / The Turkish Monuments Converted into ChurchesIstanbul 2020ISBN 978-975-7618-70-6569 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Keskin, Esra : Küçük Asya'da kutsal kent Euchaita ve Bizans dönemi taş eserleri / The holy city Euchaita in Asia Minor and the stoneworks of Byzantine period
Esra Keskin,Küçük Asya'da kutsal kent Euchaita ve Bizans dönemi taş eserleri / The holy city Euchaita in Asia Minor and the stoneworks of Byzantine periodIstanbul 2015ISBN 978-605-9825-97-9229 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 24 x 16 cm; broschiert/softcover

39,00 €*
Garam, Éva : Funde byzantinischer Herkunft in der Awarenzeit vom Ende des 6. bis zum Ende des 7. Jahrhunderts
Éva Garam, Funde byzantinischer Herkunft in der Awarenzeit vom Ende des 6. bis zum Ende des 7. Jahrhunderts(Monumenta Avarorum Archaeologica 5)Budapest 2001ISBN 978-963-9046-59-7 432 S./pp., 40 Farb- und 139 S/W-Taf. / 40 colour and 139 b/w-pls., 28 x 20 cm; broschiert/softcoverantiquarisches Exemplar mit Widmung der Autorin / antiquarian copy with dedication by the author

69,00 €*
Avunduk, Abdullah Mehmet : Rumelihisarı Semtindeki Doğu Roma (Bizans) Üsluplu Plastik Taş Eserler
Abdullah Mehmet Avunduk, Rumelihisarı Semtindeki Doğu Roma (Bizans) Üsluplu Plastik Taş EserlerIzmit 2023ISBN 978-605-71715-8-0192 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour-figs., 19,5 x 13,5 cm; broschiert/paperback

35,00 €*
Çorağan, Nilay : The Wall paintings of the Church of St. Nicholas in Demre
Nilay Çorağan, The Wall paintings of the Church of St. Nicholas in Demre ASMS (AKMED Series in Mediterranean Studies) 5 Istanbul 2023ISBN 978-625-8022-57-5XII + 318 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Bender, Ludovic : Ermitages et monastères rupestres byzantins de Laconie (Péloponnèse). Archéologie et paysages
Ludovic Bender, Ermitages et monastères rupestres byzantins de Laconie (Péloponnèse). Archéologie et paysages(Studies in Historical Geography and Cultural Heritage, 4)Novi Sad 2022ISBN 978-86-6263-412-2 381 S./pp., 79 Farb- und S/W-Taf./colour and b/w-pls., CD-ROM; 22,5 x 14 cm; kartoniert/hardcover The landscape of the Southeast Peloponnese (Laconia, Greece), a very important region of the Empire in the context of the late Byzantine period, was comprised of important bishopric centers, such as Mistra and Monemvasia, as well as numerous villages, powerful monastic foundations, and smaller hermitages frequently built in caves and isolated settings. Grounded both on systematic fieldwork and detailed surveys of the monuments, this book is the first comprehensive study of the eremitical and monastic landscapes of the region. It investigates the interactions of isolated hermits and established communities, the relationships of large monasteries to smaller foundations, and the interweaving of monastic and rural economies. It aims at identifying the monks themselves, their preoccupations and aspirations, which are reflected not only by the choice of the patron saints of the holy places they founded or the content of the painted decoration but also by the choice of location or a deep relationship with natural elements of the landscape.

89,00 €*
Durak, Koray : The Odyssey of Byzantine Studies in Turkey / Türkiye’de Bizans Çalışmalarının Serüveni
Koray Durak,The Odyssey of Byzantine Studies in Turkey / Türkiye’de Bizans Çalışmalarının SerüveniIstanbul 2023ISBN 978-625-8022-49-0355 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 21 cm; englisch Broschur/softcover

49,00 €*
Akyürek, Engin – Anastasios Tantsis – Kerem Abuhan – Ufuk Soysal – Gülseren Dikilitaş – Ozan E. Vanci – Emrah Kahraman : Saint Euphemia and Her Church in Istanbul
Engin Akyürek – Anastasios Tantsis – Kerem Abuhan – Ufuk Soysal – Gülseren Dikilitaş – Ozan E. Vanci – Emrah Kahraman,Saint Euphemia and Her Church in IstanbulIstanbul 2023ISBN 978-625-8022-43-8256 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 21 cm; englisch Broschur/softcover The church of Saint Euphemia in Sultanahmet was among the important centers of pilgrimage in the Byzantine capital. This book focuses on the life of the saint and history, architecture and frescoes of her church in Sultanahmet, along with the recent restoration and conservations works on the church and small finds from the site.

79,00 €*
Crețu, Ciprian : Practici funerare în mormintele de epocă romană şi romano-bizantină de la Histria (secolele II-VII p. Chr.)
Ciprian Crețu, Practici funerare în mormintele de epocă romană şi romano-bizantină de la Histria (secolele II-VII p. Chr.)Cluj – Napoca 2022ISBN 978-606-020-580-7456 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 23 x 16 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

49,50 €*
Šeparović, Tomislav : Byzantium in the Eastern Adriatic Region – Numismatic Sources
Tomislav Šeparović, Bizant na Istočnom Jadranu – Numizmatički Izvori /Byzantium in the Eastern Adriatic Region – Numismatic SourcesSplit 2021ISBN 978-953-6803-77-4 280 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverzweispraching kroatisch – englisch / bilingual croatian – english

49,50 €*
Fingarova, Galina – Fani Gargova – Margaret Mullett (eds.) : Illuminations. Studies presented to Lioba Theis
Galina Fingarova – Fani Gargova – Margaret Mullett (eds.), Illuminations. Studies presented to Lioba TheisWien 2022ISBN 978-3-85161-279-0 195 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

89,00 €*
Delouis, Olivier – Brigitte Pitarakis : Discovering Byzantium in Istanbul. Scholars, Institutions, and Challenges, 1800–1955
Olivier Delouis – Brigitte Pitarakis,Discovering Byzantium in Istanbul. Scholars, Institutions, and Challenges, 1800–1955Istanbul 2022ISBN 978-605-71205-3-3399 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour figs., 24 x 16 cm; broschiert/paperback

49,50 €*
Kılıç, Şahin – Buket Kitapçı Bayrı : Byzantine Studies in Turkey. A Bibliography (19th Century - 2020)
Şahin Kılıç – Buket Kitapçı Bayrı, Byzantine Studies in Turkey. A Bibliography (19th Century - 2020)Türkiye'de Bizans Çalışmaları Bir Bibliyografya (19. Yüzyıl - 2020)Istanbul 2022ISBN 978-625-8022-16-2 (vol. 1) ISBN 978-625-8022-17-9 (vol. 2) 2 Bände/vols: 1055 S./pp., 24 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/paperbackzweisprachig englisch - türkisch / bilingual english - turkish

69,00 €*
Uytterhoeven, Inge – Alessandra Ricci : The Palimpsest of the House. Re-assessing Roman, Late Antique, Byzantine, and Early Islamic Living Patterns
Inge Uytterhoeven – Alessandra Ricci (Hrsg.), The Palimpsest of the House. Re-assessing Roman, Late Antique, Byzantine, and Early Islamic Living Patterns (8th International Anamed Annual Symposium)Istanbul 2022ISBN 978-605-7685-84-1XIV + 292 S., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb., 25 x 19,5 cm, broschiert

69,00 €*
Botonakis, Antonios – Merve Özkılıç; Sound of Byzantium. Byzantine Musical Instruments
Antonios Botonakis – Merve Özkılıç (Hrsg.), Sound of Byzantium. Byzantine Musical Instruments Istanbul 2022ISBN 978-605-7685-85-8XVI + 112 S., zahlr. Farbabb., 28 x 21 cm, kartoniert / hardcover

59,00 €*
Kontogiannis, Nikos D. – Tolga B. Uyar; Space and Communities in Byzantine Anatolia
Nikos D. Kontogiannis – Tolga B. Uyar (Hrsg.),Space and Communities in Byzantine Anatolia.Papers from the Fifth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium,Istanbul, 24–26 June 2019Istanbul 2021ISBN 978-605-7685-75-9XXX + 576 S., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb., 24,5 x 19,5 cm; broschiertThe volume collects twenty-six papers on Byzantine-period Anatolia that were presented at the Fifth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium held in June 2019. The sections of the book focus on subjects including landscape dynamics, settlements and communication, regional networks, cityscapes, private and sacred space, and cultural interactions and identities. The essays cover a wide period, ranging from the third to the fifteenth century.

145,00 €*