Vojvoda, Mirjana – Snežana Golubović – Ilija Mikić : MORS IMMATURA. Coinage and apotropaic-prophylactic elements in funerary rituals – southern Viminacium cemetery

"Vojvoda, Mirjana – Snežana Golubović – Ilija Mikić : MORS IMMATURA. Coinage and apotropaic-prophylactic elements in funerary rituals – southern Viminacium cemetery"
Mirjana Vojvoda – Snežana Golubović – Ilija Mikić,
MORS IMMATURA. Coinage and apotropaic-prophylactic elements in funerary rituals – southern Viminacium cemetery /
MORS IMMATURA. Novac i apotropejsko-profilaktički elementi u pogrebnim ritualima – južna nekropola Viminacijuma
(Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade – Monographies 72 / Arheološki Institut, Beograd – Posebna izdanja 72)
Beograd – Београд 2021
ISBN 978-86-6439-062-0
318 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs.
, 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
zweisprachig serbisch – englisch / bilingual serbian
– english
This latest book regarding the discoveries made in the necropolises of Viminacium deals with an extremely important subject both from the point of view of classical archeology and also the documentation of religious ritual and is addressed mainly to specialists. The chosen subject is premature death or mors immatura, documented by the research made in the necropolis of Viminacium on child burials, in which the authors analyze the funeral rite and ritual and the inventory discovered in 1828 graves, containing 1866 decedents.
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