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Boers, Kay Boers – Becca Grose – Rebecca Usherwood – Guy Walker (eds.) : Erasure in Late Antiquity
Kay Boers – Becca Grose – Rebecca Usherwood – Guy Walker (eds.), Erasure in Late AntiquityBudapest 2024ISBN 978-615-6696-25-0 (hardcover) ISBN 978-615-6696-26-7 (softcover) 293 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 21 x 15 cm; broschiert/softcover

Ab 69,00 €*
Katsafados, Panayotis : The Church of St. George, Karinia. Inner Mani (1281). Essays on its Epigraphy and Unusual Imagery
Panayotis Katsafados,The Church of St. George, KariniaInner Mani (1281)Essays on its Epigraphy and Unusual ImageryAthen 2024ISBN 978-618-5611-35-4160 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour- and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 20,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

69,00 €*
Forisek, Péter – Péter Kovács – Ádám Szabó : The Danubian Region and the Balkans during the Roman Empire in Military Inscriptions
Péter Forisek – Péter Kovács – Ádám Szabó (Hrsg./eds.),The Danubian Region and the Balkans during the Roman Empire in Military Inscriptions (Studia Epigraphica Pannonica, Supplementum 2)Wien 2024ISBN 978-3-85161-314-8220 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

39,00 €*
Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Lucrețiu : Mensa Rotunda Epigraphica. Papers of the Conference held in Iași 20th–21st of September 2022
Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba,Mensa Rotunda Epigraphica.Papers of the Conference held in Iași 20th–21st of September 2022 Cluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-742-9262 S./pp., Farb- und S/W-Abb./colour and b/w-figs., 23 x 16 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

49,50 €*
Ferri, Naser : Gjetjet e reja epigrafike dhe numizmatike të zbuluara dhe të publikuara në Kosovë mes viteve 1980 dhe 2020
Naser Ferri, Gjetjet e reja epigrafike dhe numizmatike të zbuluara dhe të publikuara në Kosovë mes viteve 1980 dhe 2020 (= Novitates epigraphicae et numismaticae quae inter annos MCMLXXX et MMXX in Kosovo repertae et editae sunt / New epigraphic and numismatic finds discovered and published in Kosovo between the years 1980 and 2020)Prishtinё 2022ISBN 978-9951-24-164-9422 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 24 x 17 cm; broschiert/softcover albanisch mit Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache / albanian with summary in english

99,00 €*
In Medias Res Antiquorum. Miscellanea in Honorem Annos LXV Peragentis Professoris Costel Chiriac oblata
Sever-Petru Boţan – Ştefan Honcu (eds.)In Medias Res Antiquorum. Miscellanea in Honorem Annos LXV Peragentis Professoris Costel Chiriac oblataCluj – Napoca 2022ISBN 978-606-020-445-9312 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

59,00 €*
Onur, Fatih – Christof Schuler : New Research on Greek Epigraphy in Lycia
Fatih Onur – Christof Schuler,New Research on Greek Epigraphy in Lycia(Proceedings of the Symposium at Antalya, Türkiye, 28-30 March 2022) Istanbul 2024 ISBN 978-625-98302-1-6XXII + 314 S./pp., zahlr SW-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 28 x 21,5 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Pázsint, Annamária-Izabella : Prosopographia Ponti Euxini. Callatis et Odessus
Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Prosopographia Ponti Euxini.Callatis et OdessusCluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-707-8308 S./pp., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

59,00 €*
Bekavac, Silvia – Željko Miletić : Genesis, structure and role of freedmen bodies of Seviri and Augustales
Silvia Bekavac – Željko Miletić, Genesis, structure and role of freedmen bodies of Seviri and Augustales /Geneza, struktura i uloga oslobođeničkih tijela sevira i AugustalaZadar 2022ISBN 978-953-331-228-6 308 S./pp., Farb- und S/W-Abb./colour and b/w-figs., 27 x 18 cm; broschiert/softcoverzweispraching kroatisch – englisch / bilingual croatian – english

49,50 €*
Öztürk, Hüseyin Sami : Nikaia. Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları – II. Gölpazarı [Tattaios] (Bilecik)
Hüseyin Sami Öztürk,Nikaia: Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları II. Gölpazarı [Tattaios] (Bilecik)Istanbul 2024ISBN 978-625-8214-41-3264 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./numr. b/w-figs., 24 x 16 cm; broschiert/softcover

79,00 €*
Coşkun Abuagla, Asuman : The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Isparta Archaeological Museum
Asuman Coşkun Abuagla, The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Isparta Archaeological Museum(Philia, Supplement 3)Istanbul 2024ISBN 978-625-8214-69-7 X + 183 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover This catalogue compiles the epigraphic material preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Isparta. The majority of the 214 texts comes from the eastern half of Pisidia. The catalogue complements that of the Burdur Museum edited by G. H. R. Horsley, which mainly contains inscriptions from the western half of Pisidia. Since in most cases the origin of the monuments is known, the texts are arranged according to their locations. With a few exceptions, these are short funerary, votive and honorary inscriptions as well as inscriptions on milestones, which as individual evidence have little information value, but which can enrich the epigraphic source base of an ancient landscape in regional collections. All inscriptions are accompanied by illustrations.

199,00 €*
Šašel Kos, Marjeta : Emona (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 3)
Marjeta Šašel Kos, Emona (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 3)(Situla. Razprave Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Sloveniae 47)Ljubljana 2024ISBN 978-961-6981-72-9458 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 31 x 24 cm; kartoniert / hardcover

89,00 €*
Lovenjak, Milan : Neviodunum (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 1)
Milan Lovenjak, Neviodunum (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 1)(Situla. Razprave Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Sloveniae 37)Ljubljana 1998ISBN 978-961-6169-09-7405 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 31 x 24 cm; kartoniert / hardcover

69,00 €*
Fehér, Bence - Péter Kovács : Felirattani Kutatások 2018-BAN
Bence Fehér - Péter Kovács,Felirattani Kutatások 2018-BAN(Studia Epigraphica Pannonica, X)Budapest 2019ISBN 978-615-5702-03-7ISSN 2063-575394 S./pp. mit zahlr. S/W-Abb./with num. b/w-figs., 25 x 17,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

22,00 €*
Ragolič, Anja : Poetovio. Römische Grabdenkmäler (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 2/1)
Anja Ragolič, Poetovio. Römische Grabdenkmäler (Inscriptiones Latinae Sloveniae [ILSl] 2/1) (Situla. Razprave Narodnega muzeja Slovenije / Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Sloveniae 46) Ljubljana 2023ISBN 978-961-6981-70-5379 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 31 x 24 cm; kartoniert / hardcover

79,00 €*
Korkut, Taner : Arkeoloji, Epigrafi, Jeoloji, Doğal ve Kültürel Peyzaj Yapısıyla Tlos Antik Kenti ve Teritoryumu
Taner Korkut (ed.),Arkeoloji, Epigrafi, Jeoloji, Doğal ve Kültürel Peyzaj Yapısıyla Tlos Antik Kenti ve TeritoryumuIstanbul 2015ISBN 978-605-65763-0-0XIV + 514 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverantiquarisches Exemplar / antiquarian copy

59,00 €*
Şimşek, Celal : Laodikeia (Laodicea on the Lycus). Greek and Latin Inscriptions found in the Excavation 2003-2021
Celal  Şimşek, Laodikeia (Laodicea on the Lycus). Greek and Latin Inscriptions found in the Excavation 2003-2021(Laodikeia Çalışmaları 7)Istanbul 2023ISBN 978-625-8056-45-7 XVIII + 290 S./pp., S/W-Abb. / b/w-figs., 30,5 x 23,5 cm, kartoniert / hardcover

99,00 €*
Ragolič, Anja – Janka Istenič : Roman military decoration Torques / Rimsko vojaško odlikovanje Torkves
Anja Ragolič – Janka Istenič, Roman military decoration Torques: literary, epigraphic, representational and archaeological evidence / Rimsko vojaško odlikovanje Torkves: literarni, epigrafski in arheološki viri ter upodobitve(Catalogi et Monographiae / Katalogi in monografije 46)Ljubljana 2023ISBN 978-961-6981-67-5198 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 34 x 23,5 cm; kartoniert mit Schutzumschlag / hardcover with dust jacket

79,00 €*
Varinlioğlu, Ender : The Greek Inscriptions in the Museum of Uşak
Ender Varinlioğlu,The Greek Inscriptions in the Museum of Uşak Istanbul 2022ISBN 978-625-8056-35-8XVI + 302 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 27 x 19,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

69,00 €*
Selem, Petar – Inga Vilogorac Brčić : ROMIC II. Religionum Orientalium monumenta et inscriptiones ex Croatia II.
Petar Selem – Inga Vilogorac Brčić,ROMIC II. Religionum Orientalium monumenta et inscriptiones ex Croatia II.(Znakovi i Riječi – Signa et Litterae, vol. VI)Zagreb 2018ISBN 978-953-175-746-1204 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- u. SW-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 24 x 17 cm; broschiert/softcoverzweisprachig kroatisch - englisch /bilingual croatian - english

29,80 €*
Sartre-Fautriat, Annie - Maurice Sartre : L’Auranitide. vol. 3 (Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie XVI-3)
Annie Sartre-Fautriat - Maurice Sartre,L’Auranitide vol. 3: Maximianopolis, la Saccée et le nord du Jebel al-'Arab (Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie XVI-3)(Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 221)Beyrouth 2022ISBN 978-2-35159-778-1288 S., zahlr. S/W-Abb., 28 x 22 cm, broschiert

99,00 €*
Öztürk, Hüseyin Sami : Nikaia: Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları I Osmaneli/Lefke (Bilecik)
Hüseyin Sami Öztürk,Nikaia: Egemenlik Alanı Epigrafik-Tarihi, Coğrafya Araştırmaları I Osmaneli/Lefke (Bilecik)(Osmaneli Belediyesi Kültür Serisi 1)Istanbul 2022ISBN 978-9944-483-90-2200 S., zahlr. S/W-Abb., 24 x 17 cm; broschiert

39,00 €*
Kadıoğlu, Musa : Teos. Inscriptions, Cults and Urban Fabric
Musa Kadıoğlu (Hrsg.),Teos. Inscriptions, Cults and Urban FabricIstanbul 2021ISBN 978-625-405-747-2440 S., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb., 34 x 24 cm; kartoniert mit Schutzumschlag

79,00 €*
Alkan, Mehmet – Osman Doğanay : Zengibar Kalesi (Isaura) Araştırmaları 1 – Antik Kaynaklar ve Epigrafik Buluntular
Mehmet Alkan – Osman Doğanay,Zengibar Kalesi (Isaura) Araştırmaları 1 – Antik Kaynaklar ve Epigrafik BuluntularISBN 978-605-7673-49-7Istanbul 2020X + 149 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

35,00 €*