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Borić-Brešković, Bojana – Petar Popović : Coins of the Roman Republic. Collections of the National Museum in Belgrade and Belgrade University

"Borić-Brešković, Bojana – Petar Popović : Coins of the Roman Republic. Collections of the National Museum in Belgrade and Belgrade University"

Bojana Borić-Brešković – Petar Popović,
Бојана Борић-Брешковић – Петар Поповић,
Coins of the Roman Republic.
Collections of the National Museum in Belgrade and Belgrade University
Новац Римске републике.
збирке Народног музеја у Београду и Београдског универзитета
(Numismatics 2)
(Нумизматика 2)

Beograd – Београд 2006

ISBN 978-86-7269-080-4

470 S., 83 S/W-Taf., 28 x 21 cm; kartoniert

zweisprachig serbisch – englisch

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Nyulas, Dorottya : Ironwork Hoards in Roman Dacia
Dorotty Nyulas, Ironwork Hoards in Roman DaciaCluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-841-9336 S./pp., Farb- und S/W-Abb./colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 22 cm; kartoniert/hardcover The present volume is an improved and slightly rearranged version of the author’s doctoral thesis, which was publicly defended at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, in September 2023. The objective of the thesis was the in-depth analysis of hoarding and depositing ironwork in Roman Dacia through a detailed re-examination and comparative study of the known assemblages. While the terminology regarding hoards is far from settled, in this work, ‘hoard’ and ‘deposition’ were used as general terms denoting collections of objects found as a group, associated with a single context. The word ‘hoard’ was mainly used to refer to assemblages that were rather clearly concealed, whereas I preferred ‘deposition’ as a more neutral term in the case of collections where a ritual background might be supposed. However, every time I wished to indicate an interpretation, this was emphasised through adjectives, such as safety hoards, votive depositions etc. Occasionally, to further stress the inclusion of all assemblage types, both terms were listed (‘hoards and depositions’), but mainly they are used as synonyms. ‘Ironwork’ is more easily defined; it stands for any type of object or fragment made of iron, ranging from tools and household items to scrap. Consequently, ironwork hoards are collections discovered as closed assemblages consisting of (almost exclusively) iron objects and fragments.

49,50 €*
Găzdac, Cristian – Radu Zăgreanu : Minted by Romans, Hoarded by Non-Romans. The Arcalia Hoard
Cristian Găzdac – Radu Zăgreanu,Minted by Romans, Hoarded by Non-Romans. The Arcalia Hoard(Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania, vol. XX)Cluj-Napoca 2025ISBN 978-606-020-909-6120 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

49,50 €*
Brzić, Aleksandar : Hallmarking of Gold Coinage in Serbia and Yugoslavia 1882–1941
Aleksandar N. Brzić, Hallmarking of Gold Coinage in Serbia and Yugoslavia 1882–1941(Schriften der Österreichischen Forschungsgesellschaft für Numismatik, Band 1)Wien 2024ISBN 978-3-9504268-7-8248 S./pp.,  zahlr. Abb./num. figs., 30 x 21,5 cm; kartoniert/hardcover Between 1882 and 1941, Kingdoms of Serbia and Yugoslavia hallmarked a great amount of gold coinage. This somewhat peculiar practice was regulated by law and executed by state offices using several hallmarks, some of which are properly documented and presented here for the first time. The author describes not only the development of the hallmarking practice itself, but also its historic and ethnographic backgrounds, in particular the use of gold ducats in the ethnic jewellery of the region. Based mainly on his former collection, fully presented here in high-quality colour photographs, this book, again for the first time, provides a full catalogue of all hallmarks used in different assay offices and all hallmarked gold coins known to the author.

55,00 €*
Stoyas, Yannis – Stelios Damigos : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greece 8 – The Kikpe Collection of Bronze Coins, vol. II
Yannis Stoyas – Stelios Damigos, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greece 8 – The Kikpe Collection of Bronze Coins, vol. IISupplement of Ancient Greek Coins. Roman Provincial Coins and Coins of Contemporary KingdomsAthens 2024ISBN 978-960-404-415-3314 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 28,5 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

79,00 €*
Kairos. Anatolian Numismatic Studies 1/2023
Kairos. Anatolian Numismatic Studies 1/2023Istanbul 2023ISSN 3023-7068XII + 162 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb. / num. b/w-figs., 27,5 x 19,5 cm; broschiert / softcover

79,00 €*
Okçu, Recep : The Archaeological Museum of Bursa. Coin Exhibition Catalogue
Recep Okçu, The Archaeological Museum of Bursa. Coin Exhibition Catalogue / Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi. Sikke Teşhir KataloğuBursa 2005ISBN 978-975-6149-24-9XII + 210 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour figs, 26,5 x 18,5 cm; kartoniert mit Schutzumschlag / hardcover with dust jacket

39,00 €*
Ferri, Naser : Gjetjet e reja epigrafike dhe numizmatike të zbuluara dhe të publikuara në Kosovë mes viteve 1980 dhe 2020
Naser Ferri, Gjetjet e reja epigrafike dhe numizmatike të zbuluara dhe të publikuara në Kosovë mes viteve 1980 dhe 2020 (= Novitates epigraphicae et numismaticae quae inter annos MCMLXXX et MMXX in Kosovo repertae et editae sunt / New epigraphic and numismatic finds discovered and published in Kosovo between the years 1980 and 2020)Prishtinё 2022ISBN 978-9951-24-164-9422 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 24 x 17 cm; broschiert/softcover albanisch mit Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache / albanian with summary in english

99,00 €*
Ciołek, Renate : The Monetary System in the Kingdom of Ballaeus
Renate Ciołek, The Monetary System in the Kingdom of Ballaeus(Rhizon / Risinum : Illyrian Fortress, Greek and Roman Town, volume 2)Warsaw 2021ISBN 978-83-958222-1-6 118 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., CD-ROM, 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Găzdac, Cristian – George G. Marinescu : The Curse of Hoarding. The Sălcuța Hoard
Cristian Găzdac – George G. Marinescu,The Curse of Hoarding: The Sălcuța Hoard(Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania, vol. XIX)Cluj-Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-793-1174 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

49,50 €*
Sinner, Alejandro G. – Marta Campo : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia – Florence, National Archaeological Museum Vol. I,1: Hispania
Alejandro G. Sinner – Marta Campo, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia – Florence, National Archaeological Museum Vol. I,1: HispaniaWarsaw 2023ISBN 978-83-940217-6-4192 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

149,00 €*
Degler, Adam : The Collection of Ancient Coins in Lviv Historical Museum
Adam Degler (ed.), The Collection of Ancient Coins in Lviv Historical MuseumWrocław 2023ISBN 978-83-950094-5-7442 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 22 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

129,00 €*
Militký, Jiří – Lenka Vacinová : Coins of the Roman Republic. The National Museum. Prague. The Systematic Collection and the Gulyantsi Hoard (Bulgaria)
Jiří Militký – Lenka Vacinová, Coins of the Roman Republic. The National Museum. Prague. The Systematic Collection and the Gulyantsi Hoard (Bulgaria)Prague 2018ISBN 978-80-7036-576-2431 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Militký, Jiří – Michal Mašek : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume I. The National Museum, Prague. Part 10. Baktria and India (Early Baktria, Graeco-Baktrian and Indo-Greek Coins, Imitations, Indo-Scythians).
Jiří Militký – Michal Mašek, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume I. The National Museum, Prague. Part 10. Baktria and India (Early Baktria, Graeco-Baktrian and Indo-Greek Coins, Imitations, Indo-Scythians).Prague 2019ISBN 978-80-7036-619-6136 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Militký, Jiří – Petr Veselý – Lenka Vacinová : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume I. The National Museum, Prague. Part 7. Seleucid Empire and Imitations, Syria, Phoenicia, Judaea, Mesopotamia, Commagene, Armenia and Arabia
Jiří Militký – Petr Veselý – Lenka Vacinová, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume I. The National Museum, Prague. Part 7. Seleucid Empire and Imitations, Syria, Phoenicia, Judaea, Mesopotamia, Commagene, Armenia and ArabiaPrague 2023ISBN 978-80-7036-783-4287 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Militký, Jiří : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume I. The National Museum, Prague. Part 3. Macedonia and Paeonia
Jiří Militký, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume I. The National Museum, Prague. Part 3. Macedonia and PaeoniaPrague 2016ISBN 978-80-7036-490-1158 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

49,50 €*
Militký, Jiří – Luboš Král : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume IV. The Luboš Král Collection. Egypt: Roman Provincial Coinage
Jiří Militký – Luboš Král, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume IV. The Luboš Král Collection. Egypt: Roman Provincial CoinagePrague 2021ISBN 978-80-7036-687-5172 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

49,50 €*
Găzdac, Cristian – Călin Ghemiş – Sorin Bulzan : Roman Coins – Non-Roman Owner: The Hoard Peştiş II
Cristian Găzdac – Călin Ghemiş – Sorin Bulzan,Roman Coins – Non-Roman Owner: The Hoard Peştiş II (Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania, vol. XVIII)Cluj-Napoca 2023ISBN 978-606-020-725-2100 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

49,50 €*
Mihailov, Stoyan : Currency in Circulation in the Province of Moesia Secunda (AD 498 - 681) Парично обращение в провинция Втора Мизия (498 - 681 г.)
Stoyan Mihailov, Currency in Circulation in the Province of Moesia Secunda (AD 498 - 681) (Dissertationes, volume 17) / Парично обращение в провинция Втора Мизия (498 - 681 г.) (Дисертации, Том 17)Sofia 2023ISBN 978-619-254-353-4504 S./pp., Farbabb./colour-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverbulgarisch mit ausführlicher Zusammenfassung in englischbulgarian with extended summary in englishThe research examines the processes and tendencies in monetary circulation in the province of Moesia Secunda during the period of 498-681 AD in the context of coin production and distribution in the Byzantine Empire. For this purpose, coins from the territory of Moesia Secunda are compared with published numismatic material from the province of Scythia, Constantinople, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Sardis, and Amorium. A conclusion has been drawn regarding the general Byzantine monetary policy, stating that during the studied period, over 90% of the monetary value of circulating coins was represented by gold specimens. Simultaneously, the monetary policy in terms of territory was not centralized but rather regional. In the territory of Moesia Secunda from 498 to 614 AD, all major Byzantine emissions that were minted during the mentioned period, are releasing in circulation. This demonstrates the existence of functional administrative structures responsible for monetary circulation in the province. Chronologically, the monetary circulation in the province of Moesia Secunda is divided into three stages: 498-578 AD – a period of full functioning of the monetary system; 578-614 AD – a period of decline in a significant portion of coins in circulation; 614-681 AD – a period of sporadic or occasional influx of newly minted coins into circulation. The book contains 59 Figures with tables and graphs presenting analytical data, along with a catalog featuring 4483 coins from the territory of Moesia Secunda. The publication includes an abstract in English summarizing all the main findings of the research.

59,00 €*
Kumandaş, Hacer : Aydın Özkan Koleksiyonu Roma Cumhuriyet ve İmparatorluk Dönemi Sikkeleri
Hacer Kumandaş, Aydın Özkan Koleksiyonu Roma Cumhuriyet ve İmparatorluk Dönemi SikkeleriIstanbul 2023ISBN 978-625-8056-52-5X + 122 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/paperback  

49,50 €*
Lazarenko, Igor : Odessos Coins from the Period of the Roman Empire. Part V: Gordian III and Theos Megas
Igor Lazarenko, Odessos Coins from the Period of the Roman Empire. Part V: Gordian III and Theos MegasVarna 2022ISBN 978-619-7094-65-7 380 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcoverzweisprachig englisch – bulgarisch /bilingual english – bulgarian Table of contents Introduction The coinage of Odessos during the reign of Gordian III (238—244) Chronology Coin inscriptions and types Obverse inscriptions Obverse types Reverse inscriptions Reverse types City gate flanked by two battlemented towers Temple (aedicule) with statue of Darzalas Sport prices Emperor Gods and goddesses Denominations Structure of the catalogue Bibliography   Auctions Catalogue

79,00 €*
Izmirlier, Yılmaz : The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danişmendli Devleti Paraları
Yılmaz Izmirlier, The Coins of the Danishmendids / Danişmendli Devleti ParalarıIstanbul 2023ISBN 978-625-8056-51-8 X + 102 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm, kartoniert / hardcoverzweisprachig englisch - türkisch / bilingual english - turkish

59,00 €*
Eulen nach Athen tragen. Münzen des antiken Griechenlands
Eulen nach Athen tragen. Münzen des antiken Griechenlands(Schild von Steier – Kleine Schriften 26)Graz 2023ISBN 978-3-903179-60-8182 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour figs., 23 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/softcover

19,80 €*
Vojvoda, Mirjana – Snežana Golubović – Ilija Mikić : MORS IMMATURA. Coinage and apotropaic-prophylactic elements in funerary rituals – southern Viminacium cemetery
Mirjana Vojvoda – Snežana Golubović – Ilija Mikić,MORS IMMATURA. Coinage and apotropaic-prophylactic elements in funerary rituals – southern Viminacium cemetery / MORS IMMATURA. Novac i apotropejsko-profilaktički elementi u pogrebnim ritualima – južna nekropola Viminacijuma (Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade – Monographies 72 / Arheološki Institut, Beograd – Posebna izdanja 72)Beograd – Београд 2021ISBN 978-86-6439-062-0 318 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs. , 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverzweisprachig serbisch – englisch / bilingual serbian – english This latest book regarding the discoveries made in the necropolises of Viminacium deals with an extremely important subject both from the point of view of classical archeology and also the documentation of religious ritual and is addressed mainly to specialists. The chosen subject is premature death or mors immatura, documented by the research made in the necropolis of Viminacium on child burials, in which the authors analyze the funeral rite and ritual and the inventory discovered in 1828 graves, containing 1866 decedents.

79,00 €*
Ilkić, Mato : Ancient Coins from Siculi
Mato Ilkić, Ancient Coins from Siculi / Antički novac iz SikulaKaštela 2019ISBN 978-953-7276-69-0 128 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28 x 23,5 cm; broschiert/softcoverzweispraching kroatisch – englisch / bilingual croatian – english

39,00 €*