Piso, Ioan – Péter Forisek : Defending the Polis – Defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions

39,00 €*

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Produktnummer: 123111-1
"Piso, Ioan – Péter Forisek : Defending the Polis – Defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions"

Ioan Piso – Péter Forisek,
Defending the Polis – Defending the Empire.
The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions

(Studia Epigraphica Pannonica, Supplementum I)

Budapest 2022

ISBN 978-615-6448-06-4

202 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 23,8 x 16,8 cm; broschiert/softcover

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