Erbil, Yiğit H. – Müge Şevketoğlu – Vasıf Şahoğlu : Connecting cultures : trade and interconnections in the Near East from the beginning until the end of the Roman period.
Yiğit H. Erbil – Müge Şevketoğlu – Vasıf Şahoğlu (eds.),Connecting cultures : trade and interconnections in the Near East from the beginning until the end of the Roman period.(Anadolu Ek Dizi I.4 / Anatolia Supplement Series I.4 )Ankara 2019ISSN 0570-0116XXIV + 431 S. , zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb., 32 x 24 cm; kartoniert

Çizmeli Öğün, Zeynep – Fatich Toumpan (eds.) : The Aydin Özkan Collection. Greek and Roman Provincial Coins
Zeynep Çizmeli Öğün – Fatich Toumpan (eds.), The Aydin Özkan Collection. Greek and Roman Provincial Coins (Anadolu Ek Dizi IV.1 / Anatolia Supplement Series IV.1 )Ankara 2022ISSN 0570-0116IV + 114 S. mit 91 S/W-Taf., 32 x 24 cm; kartoniert

Anadolu / Anatolia 47, 2021
Anadolu / Anatolia 47, 2021Ankara University. Journal of the Archaeology Department, Faculty of LettersISSN 0570-0116Ankara 2022230 S., Farb- u. SW-Abb. im Text, 29,7 x 21 cm, Softcover

Özgünel, A. Coşkun : Anadolu'da Miken Seramiği
A. Coşkun Özgünel,Anadolu'da Miken Seramiği(Anadolu Ek Dizi II.1 / Anatolia Supplement Series II.1 )Ankara 2013ISSN 0570-0116IV + 239 S. mit 69 S/W-Taf., 32 x 24 cm; kartoniert
