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Găzdac, Cristian – Radu Zăgreanu : Minted by Romans, Hoarded by Non-Romans. The Arcalia Hoard

"Găzdac, Cristian – Radu Zăgreanu : Minted by Romans, Hoarded by Non-Romans. The Arcalia Hoard"

Cristian Găzdac – Radu Zăgreanu,
Minted by Romans, Hoarded by Non-Romans. The Arcalia Hoard
(Coins from Roman Sites and Collections of Roman Coins from Romania, vol. XX)

Cluj-Napoca 2025

ISBN 978-606-020-909-6

120 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcover

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