Drugaş, Şerban George Paul : Mapping Ptolemaic Dacia
"Drugaş, Şerban George Paul : Mapping Ptolemaic Dacia"
Şerban George Paul Drugaş,
Mapping Ptolemaic Dacia
Budapest 2020
ISBN 978-615-6405-17-3
242 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
CHAPTER 1. General Ptolemaic Principles
CHAPTER 2. Ptolemaic and Modern Earth Models. Initial Methodological Framework
CHAPTER 3. Ptolemaic Poleis and Places in Dacia and in Adjacent areas. What We Know Download PDF
CHAPTER 4. Establishing Local Working Algorithms
CHAPTER 5. Calculating the Coordinates of Some Dacian Poleis from the Established Grid
CHAPTER 6. A Synthesis on the Local Ptolemaic Patterns in Dacia
CHAPTER 7. SWOT Analysis
CHAPTER 8. Limits, Rivers, Tribes and Neighbours of Ptolemaic Dacia
Conclusive remarks
List of Figures
List of Tables