TÜBA - AR 35Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi 35, 2024Ankara 2024ISSN 1301-8566228 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm, broschiert/softcoverArtikel in Türkisch und Englisch
Nihal Durnagölü,Stratonikeia Koroplastiği(Stratonikeia Çalışmaları 10)Ankara 2025ISBN 978-625-6925-72-4
XII + 566 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
Zavercan Öztürk – Yavuz Yeğin – Murat Özyıldırım, Cambazlı KilisesiAnkara 2025 ISBN 978-625-6925-75-5109 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 19 x 13 cm; broschiert/softcover
S. Sezin Sezer,Amastris Antik Kenti Heykeltıraşlık EserleriISBN 978-625-6212-20-6Istanbul 2025
182 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 21 x 15 cm; broschiert/softcover
Sina Noei,Çamur Harç ve Kerpiç Yapım Yöntemleri, Bozulma Nedenleri, Analizler ve Koruma YöntemleriISBN 978-625-6212-22-0Istanbul 2025
119 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. b/w-figs., 23,5 x 16,5 cm; broschiert/softcover
İnsan, Toprak ve Kil1.1. İnsanlığın Gelişimi ve Toprak1.2. Killi Toprağın Yapı Malzemesi Olarak Kullanımı
Toprağın Oluşumu ve Killerin Özellikleri2.1. Toprağın Yapısı ve Mineralojik Bileşimi2.2. Kil Minerallerinin Yapısı ve Oluşumu2.3. Kil Minerallerinin Kristal Yapısı2.4. Kil Minerallerinin Sınıflandırılması2.4.1. İki Tabakalı Kil Mineralleri2.4.2. Üç Tabakalı Kil Mineralleri2.4.3. Dört Tabakalı Kil Mineralleri2.4.4. Alofan-Amorf Killer
Kerpiç Yapım Yöntemleri3.1. Kesme ve Yığma Yöntemleri3.2. Dal Örgü Mimari3.3. Elde Yapım Yöntemi3.4. Kalıp Yöntemleri
Kerpiç Yapılarda Bozulma Nedenleri4.1. Fiziksel Bozulmalar4.1.1. Sudan (Sıvı, Gaz ve Katı) Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.2. Rüzgârdan Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.3. Yapı Malzemesinden Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.4. Depremlerden Kaynaklanan Tahribatlar4.1.5. Yangından Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.1.6. Yanlış Onarım ve Malzemelerden Kaynaklanan Bozulmalar4.2. Kimyasal Bozulmalar4.3. Biyolojik Bozulmalar
Analiz Yöntemleri5.1. Kerpiç Araştırmalarının Tarihçesi5.2. Basit Testler ve Analiz Yöntemleri5.2.1. Laboratuvar ve Arazide Ön Çalışmalar5.2.2. Toprak Çeşidinin Belirlenmesi için Yapılan Basit Testler5.2.2.1. Odor-Smell Test (Koku Testi) Nibble Test (Isırma Testi) Touch Test (Dokunma Testi) Luster Test (Parlaklık Testi) Adhesion Test (Yapışkanlık Testi) Sedimentation Test (Çökelme Testi) Linear Shrinkage-Alcock’s Test (Çizgisel Büzülme Testi) Washing Test (Yıkama Testi)5.3. Fiziko-Mekanik Analizler5.3.1. Elek Analizi5.3.2. Hidrometre Analizi5.3.3. Atterberg Limitleri (Likit Limit, Plastik Limit ve Plastisite İndeksi)5.3.4. Nem Miktarı5.3.5. Özgül Ağırlık (Gs)5.4. Petrografik Analizler (İnce/Kalın Kesitler ve Mikroskop ile Değerlendirmeler)5.5. Basit Kimyasal Analizler5.5.1. Asitle Muamele5.5.2. Kızdırma Kaybı5.5.3. Tuz Testleri5.5.4. Yağ ve Protein Analizleri5.5.5. Organik Madde Analizi (Humus)5.5.6. Çözünebilir Tuz Miktarı (Ağırlıkça)5.5.7. pH Ölçümü5.6. Aletli Analizler (Arkeometrik Çalışmalar)5.6.1. SEM-EDX Analizi5.6.2. ICP-MS Analizi5.6.3. XRD Analizi5.6.4. BET Analizi (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller)
Kerpiç Yapılarda Koruma ve Onarım6.1. Koruma Basamakları6.2. Koruma Amaçlı Yapılan Uygulamalar6.2.1. Aktif Koruma Yöntemleri6.2.2. Önleyici Koruma Yöntemleri
Sonuç ve Değerlendirme 101Kaynakça 105Dizin 117
Bilal Söğüt, Stratonikeia – From Antiquity to Modern TimesIstanbul 2025ISBN 978-625-429-967-4584 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./ num. colour and b/w-figs., 33 x 24 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
Emel Dereboylu Poulain,Aigai Figürinleri(Aigai III)Istanbul 2024ISBN 978-625-6212-01-5361 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb. / num. b/w-figs., 27,5 x 19,5 cm; broschiert/softcover
At the end of the 19th century the eyes are turned towards Myrina in
the area of Aeolis, because of thousands of terra cotta figurines
laid out in tombs of its necropolis. The necropolis of Myrina thus
became the antique site most important, whereas research on the close
sites, were somewhat forgotten. Today, of new excavations in the area
of Aeolis help us has to understand the art of the coroplaste, which
until was now limited only has Myrina. The ville of Aegae, located in
this area, or of the French archaeologists had discovered a small
number of figurines in 1882, was the object during many years of
plunderings of figurines, in particular in years 1950-1960. Certain
villagers tell that their fathers and grandfathers had put at the day
during this same time, of the painted figurines of big size, then
sold to the American soldiers. To date, one still does not know what
became the catch figurines. The excavations and the research
currently undertaken in the town of Aegae put at the day of many
figurines of great quality representing various subjects. These many
discoveries, seem to confirm the importance of the art of the
coroplastie of Aegae. We have a larger pallet of examples which show
than the production of terra cotta was very developed and very active
in Aegae. It does not remain about it less than it is necessary for
us to find the workshops in order to be able to prove that in due
form. The majority of works are dated from the hellenistic period.
Especially with 2nd century before J-C, the production out of the
city would have increased. It is not only the case for Aegae but also
for the other cities of Anatolia Western. Works of Aegae are
witnesses of enrichissement of art coroplaste in Anatolia Western
during these centuries. We suppose that these terracotta figurines
were produced in the city. Indeed, works discovered reflect the
marked taste of the coroplastie, the concern nuns of the inhabitants
to create figurines and plates representing the Gods and the
Goddesses. The figurines with the religious motif discovered in
votive pits of the building of Bouleuterion, reflect ritual
Bianca Preda-Bălănică, Bronze Age kurgans in Southern Romania(The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 6)Budapest 2025ISBN 978-615-5766-72-5302 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., kartoniert/hardcover
Utilising a systematic methodology, this volume offers an in-depth
analysis of various aspects of mortuary practices, including kurgan
stratigraphy, the orientation of the deceased, bioanthropological and
genetic evidence, grave goods, and chronological assessments. The
research identifies distinct phases of burial rituals, categorising them
into pre-Yamnaya, Early and Late Yamnaya, Katakombnaya, Middle Bronze
Age/Mnogovalikovaya, and Late Bronze Age/Sabatinovka-Noua-Coslogeni,
spanning the time from the 4th to the 2nd millennia BC.
The insights gleaned from this research reveal the intricate
relationships between local customs and the influences of steppe
populations over time. The study sheds light on the complexities of
mobility, interaction, and cultural admixture, as well as the evolution
of burial practices and material culture during the Bronze Age.
Bronze Age Kurgans in Southern Romania is poised to become a
vital resource for scholars interested in the dynamics of prehistoric
societies, offering perspectives on how cultural identities were shaped
and transformed across centuries.
This volume, the fourth of the ‘Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric
Europe’ Series, represents the proceedings of the session #196:
"No man travels alone, he takes himself along: Yamnaya transmission
and/or transformation during the 3rd millennium BC Europe" held at
the Budapest EAA Virtual Meeting in 2020. The session was
co-organised by the editors of this volume together with colleagues
Todor Valchev from the Yambol Regional Historical Museum (Bulgaria)
and Piotr Włodarczak from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
of the Cracow branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland). The
session aimed to focus on archaeological approaches to material
culture and ritual practices to explore how steppe transmissions
unfolded during the 3rd millennium BC.The volume presents
the work of 25 researchers from various European countries, Japan,
and the United States, united in 11 articles. The themes discussed
cover a large portion of the European continent, from the Lower Don
steppes in the east to Northern Central Europe in the west, and a
time span of approximately two millennia. The research presented
opens new perspectives on micro-regional traits, regional
particularities, and supra-regional complexities of steppe
transmissions in the 4th and 3rd millennia BC.
324 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num.- colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert
Stefan Alexandrov – Piotr Włodarczak (eds.),From the Steppes to the Balkans. Yamna Culture in Upper Thrace.(The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 5)Budapest 2024ISBN 978-615-5766-71-8332 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
Five burial mounds were investigated near the Tundzha River, on the
outskirts of Tundzha and Elhovo, in 2018 and 2019. The detailed
assessing and chronological evaluation of the recovered finds and
observed phenomena improves greatly the existing knowledge of the life
and burial customs of the earliest Yamna communities inhabiting this
Wolfgang Breibert, Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Krungl, Marktgemeinde Bad Mitterndorf, Bezirk Liezen, Steiermark. Studien zum Frühmittelalter im Ostalpenraum(Schild von Steier, Beiheft 12)(Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark, 97)Graz 2022ISBN 978-3-901251-61-0ISSN 2078-0141329 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; broschiert
Elektra Zografou – Angeliki Koukouvou – Ourania Palli – Evanthia Papadopoulou (eds.),Figurines in Northern Greece from Prehistory until Roman Times. Scientific Symposium Proceedings(Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, 11.-13.10.2018)Thessaloniki 2024ISBN 978-960-9621-52-6 (Set)
ISBN 978-960-9621-50-2 (Band/vol. 1)
ISBN 978-960-9621-51-9 (Band/vol. 2)
896 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- uns S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28,5 x 21 cm; broschiert/softcoverBeiträge in griechischer Sprache mit englischer Zusammenfassung/contributions in greek with english summary
Murat Çekilmez – Merve Arınç Özyılmaz – Pınar Taşpınar Yamantürk (eds.), Geçmişten Günümüze Tralleis Antik Kenti ve Çevresi Araştırmaları(Tralleis Çalışmaları 1)Istanbul 2025ISBN 978-625-6212-18-3XIV + 420 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 27,5 x 19,5 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
Andrei Opaiț, The Sacred Area Sector Roman Coarseware (1st - 7th centuries) (Histria XVI)Cluj – Napoca 2024ISBN 978-606-020-839-6184 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover
The history and evolution of the old Milesian colony Histria is quite
well known from numerous articles and an impressive series of
monographs that have discussed many archaeological discoveries from
the Archaic to the Roman era. There is no need, therefore, to
summarize their contents here.
This study of the
coarseware ceramics from the Sacred Area sector called also “sector
T”, at Histria seeks to bring to light an archaeological material
generally neglected by the publications of this sector. Because Roman
ceramics were not usually retained in the course of excavations in
the Sacred Area sector, the number of pieces in this study is smaller
than the number analyzed in a relatively recent monograph focusing on
more thoroughly-collected Roman ceramics from other sectors. We can
add numerous other ceramic publications that have appeared since this
monograph especially in recent years.
In turn, the “Sacred
Area sector “ sector has been discussed in numerous publications,
and summarized in two recent articles published by A. Avram and his
collaborators, and one published by F. Munteanu. Although the focus
of the former article is on the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic
periods, when the temples in this area were in use, several pages are
also dedicated to the Roman period when this sector changed its
sacred character and became, for a short period, an artisanal area
and then until the 7th century AD a residential district. The second
article pays more attention to the Roman quarter, which featured a
large “Constantinian house” covering 380 m², with four rooms and
an internal court with peristyle, built perhaps during the second
half of the 4th century. During the 6th century this edifice was
repurposed and subdivided into many rooms with storage functions.
Perhaps also in the 6th century, a series of other buildings-perhaps
simple houses-were constructed to the south of this edifice,
containing dolia, mortaria, and many vasa potatoria, coquinatoria and
Demetrios Athanasoulis – Panagiotis P. Iossif
– Ioannis D. Fappas (eds.),Kykladitisses. Untold stories of women in the Cyclades / Κυκλαδίτισσες. Άγνωστες Ιστορίες Γυναικών των ΚυκλάδωνAthen 2025ISBN 978-618-5060-52-7520 S./pp., zahlr. Farbabb./num. colour figs., 24 x 18,5 cm; broschiert/softcover
A Greek-English bilingual catalogue published as part of the new
series of archaeological exhibitions organized by the Museum of
Cycladic Art called “Human Histories” for the exhibition
“Kykladitisses: Untold stories of women in the Cyclades”. The
catalogue presents the transformations and the multiple roles of
women that have defined the history of the Archipelago through time
highlighting their importance at a time when women continue to assert
their independence and respect for their specificity within the
modern community, the free choice of the roles that express each of
them and their liberation from stereotypes that survive in the common
consciousness despite the long struggles of past centuries. The
catalogue is divided into two volumes.
The first volume
contains 520 pages in which all the artefacts in the exhibition are
illustrated in each section in extremely high quality and resolution
photographs, together with a brief explanation giving all the details
of their identity. The long introductory text explaining the concept
of the exhibition and the sections is written by the two curators of
the exhibition, and the volume concludes with five essays by leading
female scholars of Cycladic culture through time.
The detailed
scientific documentation and publication of each object in extensive
essays is included in the second volume of the catalogue.