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Garam, Éva : Das awarenzeitliche Gräberfeld in Zamárdi-Rétiföldek, Teil III
Éva Garam, Das awarenzeitliche Gräberfeld in Zamárdi-Rétiföldek, Teil III(Monumenta Avarorum Archaeologica 12)Budapest 2018ISBN 978-963-508-884-3 416 S./pp., 19 Farbtafeln und 200 S/W-Abb. / 19 colour plates and 200 b/w-figs., Faltpläne / folding maps, CD-ROM, 28 x 20,5 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

99,00 €*
Štular, Benjamin – Manfred Lehner – Mateja Belak : Settlement of the Eastern Alps in the Early Middle Ages
Benjamine Štular – Manfred Lehner – Mateja Belak, Settlement of the Eastern Alps in the Early Middle Ages(Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 48)Ljubljana 2024ISBN 978-961-05-0877-9 248 S./pp., zahlr. Farb- und S/W-Abb. / num. colour and b/w-figs., 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

79,00 €*
Stoyas, Yannis – Stelios Damigos : Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greece 8 – The Kikpe Collection of Bronze Coins, vol. II
Yannis Stoyas – Stelios Damigos, Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greece 8 – The Kikpe Collection of Bronze Coins, vol. IISupplement of Ancient Greek Coins. Roman Provincial Coins and Coins of Contemporary KingdomsAthens 2024ISBN 978-960-404-415-3314 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb./num. colour and b/w-figs., 28,5 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

69,00 €*
Fundort Wien 27, 2024
Fundort Wien. Berichte zur Archäologie 27/24Wien 2024ISBN 978-3-85161-316-2368 S./pp., zahlr. Farb-, S/W-Abb. und Pläne im Text, 29,7 x 21 cm; kartoniert/hardcover

Ab 30,00 €*
Konova, Lyubava : Red-figure pottery from the necropolis of Apollonia Pontica (Sozopol) from the collection of the National Museum of History / Червенофигурна керамика от некропола на Аполония Понтика (Созопол) от фонда на Националния исторически музей
Lyubava Konova, Red-figure pottery from the necropolis of Apollonia Pontica (Sozopol) from the collection of the National Museum of History / Червенофигурна керамика от некропола на Аполония Понтика (Созопол) от фонда на Националния исторически музейVeliko Tarnovo 2024ISBN 978-619-00-1808-7472 S./pp., zahlr. Farb-Abb. / num. colour figs., 30 x 22 cm; kartoniert/hardcoverbulgarisch mit englischer Zusammenfassungbulgarian with a summary in english The monograph examines 103 painted vessels discovered during the excavations of the necropolis of ancient Apollonia Pontica in the 1990s. The ceramic forms and images are examined in their archaeological and cultural-historical context. Created in classical Athens in the 5th-4th centuries BC, pictorial narratives on vessels played the role of one of the most influential media in the dissemination of the values of Athenian society. At the same time, they clearly capture the identity of the multicultural community that was formed on the territory of the Pontic city as a result of contacts with various centres in the Mediterranean world, with the inhabitants of Inner Thrace and with the powerful Thracian kingdoms in the area. The edition contains 233 illustrations and 10 tables with data on the context of the objects, the composition of the clay and statistical information.

79,00 €*
Kairos. Anatolian Numismatic Studies 1/2023
Kairos. Anatolian Numismatic Studies 1/2023Istanbul 2023ISSN 3023-7068XII + 162 S./pp., zahlr. S/W-Abb. / num. b/w-figs., 27,5 x 19,5 cm; broschiert / softcover

79,00 €*
Meriç, Aygün Ekin – Eda Güngör Alper : Nikaia (İznik) Tiyatrosu Kandilleri
Aygün Ekin Meriç – Eda Güngör Alper, Nikaia (İznik) Tiyatrosu KandilleriIstanbul 2024ISBN 978-625-6212-05-3VIII + 143 S./pp., 39 Farb- und S/W-Taf./39 colour and b/w-pls., 29,7 x 21 cm, broschiert/softcover

69,00 €*